Thursday, December 9, 2010

For my portfolio...

It was a cold day today - only 25 degrees out! Still, I had driven past a few places that I thought would make some interesting photos and decided to explore a little more today. The cemetery is one off the beaten path up in Marlborough, CT. The tunnel is near St. Clements Castle on Rt. 66 in Portland, CT. Drive by too fast and miss it. I had to find a small place to pull off the road to shoot some photos. Finally, the dead tree with the sun coming through was from a local tree farm where we went for our Christmas tree last weekend. I was walking through the tree farm with my wife and kids (camera in hand, of course) and saw this dead tree on the edge of the property. As I walked around, I noticed that the sun was in the right spot. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi Dennis,Love the new Pics. The first one is my favorite. I like the way the sun is beaming thru the tree branches. Nice Work!

  2. The tree and sun definitely is a strong one... the branches etch out a strong design, the light anchors the focal point nicely.

  3. love the first picture with the sun coming through the tree. Well done!!!

  4. I Love the first picture Dennis! Great job! It seems like when I stare at it the sun appears even brighter...though it could just be me! ;-)
