Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When is the Final Deadline?

Here we are in the final week of class....  All good things must come to an end :)  The registrar will require me to get the grades in as soon as possible.  To that end, lets make the deadline for all work to be Saturday morning at 10 am...   Please take a moment to go through the checklist for each assignment linked in the upper right hand side of the blog.  As you know, there is a 10 image per day limit to posting new work to your fotothing account with the free version.  That leaves the opportunity to post 40 more images between now and then.

It was a pleasure working with all of you...  Have a great Christmas holiday!.... maybe I'll see you in the new year.


  1. Aww Thanks Jerry, Glad I joined this class. I learned alot from you and my classmates. Thanks Again.

  2. It was a pleasure working with you, Jerry! This was a fun class and I really learned alot. Have a Merry Christmas!!!

  3. This class not only taught me many things but it was truly alot of fun. I would love to take the 2nd class. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

  4. Thank you Jerry. Sorry that I am late with my final submission. I did not have a chance to get back out to this place until today (Sunday) after lunch. I hope that you like these photos - I think they are some of the best ones that I've shot.

    A Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

