Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello again....

Okay, so I am posting up another photo of myself as the first one that I put up wasn't really a self portrait. I don't want to be caught cheating! Ha! So this one really is a self portrait. I dragged my camera and tripod up there yesterday evening to get some shot before supper. There is a golf course behind my house with some trails and a reservoir beyond that. This photo was taken at a little stone and wood shelter on the golf course. Other photos on my fotothing are along the trails and reservoir.

So, again, my name is Dennis and I am working toward my BS in CIS. I've always enjoyed taking photographs (and now have two young kids who are some of my main photo subjects!) and am always looking for ways to improve my photos from just the typical snapshot. I look forward to our class and all the interesting photos that will be posted.

Oh, and my Fotothing account is

Fall Begins

Fotothing Screen Name

My name is JANISKOFF

My name is Jill. I am 32 years old and live in West Hartford. I am a breast cancer survivor and have been blessed with a partner who supports me in all life's obstacles which is why I included him in my picture. Scott has been my rock through the last few years and he continues to surprise me with his kindness every day. I am Italian and Russian and come from a large family of five. I am extremely organized, enjoy working out, and I love to bake. I just finished Pastry school and love to take photgraphs, so I thought taking a course like this would allow me to make the most of the photos I take. I am embracing all life has to offer and looking forward to meeting new people and learning a lot about photography.

Hi Everyone!

My name in Adrienne, I’m a Psychology major and I’m happy to say this is my last mod at AMC. I have a 10 year old daughter and plenty of nephews and nieces, so the knowledge acquired in this class will be put to good use. I look forward to seeing everyone’s pictures.

I Apologize For The Delay....Glad to see that I'm not alone on this one.....Hahaha

I had an extremely difficult time with this site, but I finally managed to get the flow of things so here I am.
My name is Deija, I am a senior here at albertus magnus, majoring in sociology. I'm very excited about this course...and I am sure I will learn some interesting things, I absolutely love taking pictures and art itself. A picture itself is worth a thousand words.....So here's to a great Mod!!! You can find me on
I look forward to working with you guys!

Sorry for the Delay

Hi all!

Sorry for my delay...I've had some technical issues as well (technical as in "I really want a new camera!" so I can do a good job with my theme this mod)!

Since I just got my new camera last night, I decided to post my intro with a theme...enjoy my Halloween inspired self portraits...

I'm trying to settle on my theme since I'm doing Digital Photography 2...I'm most likely going to go with "Unconvential" as my jumping off point...we'll see where that takes me over the next several weeks!

Looking forward to seeing everyone's posts! You can see some of my previous work at



Hello everyone, I can be found at

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Christina Poryanda's initial post

Hi Class!
I had some technical problems with my computer, but I finally got them ironed out so now I'm able to post my first assignment. My son helped me take this picture - I set the shutter timer for 10 seconds and after the picture was taken he would clap his hands (he's 2 1/2, but still a great assistant!). The light is a bit strange; a table lamp that was next to me was on and I was sitting in front of a window.
A little about me....I live in Meriden with my husband of 13 years, our son, Ryan, and our 25 lb Maine Coon cat, Mo. I'm finishing up my final year at Albertus, having received my associate's this past December. Both my father and grandfather were photographers, and as a result, I spent quite a bit of time in my youth learning to take and develop my own pictures. I like the digital format as well, so I'm really looking forward to this class!
My fotothing address is

Week two Downtown

Here are what I thought my two best shots were for this weeks assignment. I played around with the camera and didnt realize how much it can actually do. I went to West Hartford Center/Blue Back Square. I figured I would be able to find some good things to take pictures of. I really liked this ground level shot. And the Blue Back sign with color and black and white. Hope you all enjoy the pictures. looking foward to hearing from you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello class. My name is Jim Borzelli. I am a Junior here at Albertus. I am majoring in Computer Information Systems and I'm sad to say that I don't know much about digital photography. I'm looking forward to learning all I can. This picture is from a trip I took over the summer. After multiple failed attempts to take this picture (I have a ton with bad reflections in the glasses, someone almost walked through this one) I finally got a usable one. The picture was taken at Camp Miur on Mt. Rainier at 10,000ft. In the background is Mt. Adams and below me are the clouds. It's a trip I don't think I'll ever forget. My fotothing account is

Hello Everyone!

Hello fellow classmates, my name is Erin Crowell, and this is my second mod here at Albertus. I am a transfer student from Sacred Heart University, and I am majoring in Accounting. I am 27 years old and just got married on March 17th 2010! I am excited to take this class and learn more about photography so that I can learn how to take better pictures. I am also looking forward to seeing all of your pictures!

Fotothing Links... Important!

Many of you have created a fotothng account and posted the link... if so, thank you.  However, I can't add you as a friend until you put at least 1 picture there... anything will do, just to activate my ability to add you to the class as a "friend".  If you have created an account, but haven't posted the url here, please so so immediately as there is no way for me to find you without you posting your address.

Here is the link to my "friends" or the class as of today...


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hello Every One

Hello Every One my Name is Crystal I am a Senior here at Albertus, majoring in psychology, a lot of the things in this class already seem very new to me but I am very excited to learn, I love taking pictures of random, things the strangest things can come to life in a picture, I'm looking forward to learning how to make my photos come to life....I work full time, as well as doing volunteer work at my church I am very down to earth and just love to laugh and have fun!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone, my name is Danae and I am in my third year at AMC. I am a Sociology Major and a proud mother of three beautiful children ages 13 (girl), 3 and 2 (boys). I look forward to chatting and seeing a lot of the creative work that will be displayed!

fotothing is my address. (still getting use to this new website)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello everyone....

I'm Dennis and this is my second digital photography class with Prof. Nevins (Digital Photography I back in the summer Mod 5). I had fun learning new ways to "see" things through the camera during the first class and am looking forward to becoming a better photographer. I have two young children (Hayden is almost 3 and Madison is 17 months), so many of my snapshots are of my children and my beautiful wife. I am trying to broaden my scope of photographic artistry (I am the first to say that I am not very artistic!). Here's just a simple picture from a hike that I did this past summer with some friends. I look forward to seeing the pictures from my fellow classmates up here and on Fotothing.


Hello Everyone, my name is Deb. I am looking forward to taking this class as
I love to take pictures. I have been at Albertus for 2 years now. I am a account manager for aerospace company on the shoreline.I live my husband, son and two funny cats. I also have a wonderful daughter and granddaughter. I bought a new camera in the spring and I
am excited about learning how to take better pictures. I look forward to seeing all your pictures as well. I can be found at

Hello Everyone!


My name is Carol, this is my third year here at Albertus Magnus College. I took Digital Photography I and absolutely enjoyed it, this is why I choose to take this class Digital Photography II. I love taking pictures, it has become a big part of my life and I hope to learn new techniques. My footing account is 13veloza13.


Hii everyone my name is Sheyanne Hayden. This is my first time taking a photography class. I love to take pictures so i hope that by taking this class i will learn so many new things. I have a daughter, her name is Ava and she is one years old. She is the light of my life. I love taking pictures of her because she loves the camera!

Hello Everyone!

Hi Everyone! My name is Sonya and I work full time while going to school. On my free time I love to watch/play sports and hang out with my friends and family. I look forward to this class. I love taking pictures of just about everything. Ive also expierencedworking in a dark room before. It was a pretty cool expierence.

Monday, October 25, 2010


My name is Maria and I'm really excited about this course. I LOVE taking pictures and caputuring everyone moment of my family! I also enjoy scrapbooking so anything to help me in taking better pictures would be great.

I don't really take pictures of myself but here is one of my favorites.

Kendra Walker's Bio

Hello Everyone,
My name is Kendra Walker, as an extrovert I enjoy having fun, good company and the great outdoors. I am the mother of two fun loving boys, ages 12 and 7.  My oldest son name is Tylor and my youngest son name is Tymier. My children have stood by me these last four years while completing my  Bachelors degree and for that I am forever grateful.   I took Digital Photography 1 this past summer,  I learned alot from everyone and really enjoyed all the photo  images we shared on our class blog. Digital Photography 11 will be my last class before receiving my diplomas. I am sure this class will be as equally interesting if not more.   Through out this course I will be posting my images on under user name: KendraJ31 for your viewing ..See you there.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome Everyone!

To get things started, let me tell you a bit about myself.... I have been teaching full time at Albertus Magnus College for the past 30 years and am grateful for the opportunity to spend my life working with students who want to learn more about art. I've been married for the past 35 years, and have 2 wonderful sons, 27 and 30. My older son is married and has an almost 3 year old son and a 1 yr old son. That's Kieran and me at thome in Redding.

My main interest is photography and I earned an M.F.A. in still photography from Rochester Institute of Technology. At Albertus I teach not only Photography but a range of other courses which include Digital Photography both online and face to face, Foundation Design (2-D and 3-D), Graphic Design, Ceramics, Intro to Computer Art, 20th Century Art History and The Museum Experience.

To learn more about me, take a look around at my web site, You can find a statement of my teaching philosophy (very student centered), syllabi from my other classes, a resume (called a Curriculum Vita in academic circles), tutorials on digital photography issues, portfolios of my work and more.

I look forward to working with you!