Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello again....

Okay, so I am posting up another photo of myself as the first one that I put up wasn't really a self portrait. I don't want to be caught cheating! Ha! So this one really is a self portrait. I dragged my camera and tripod up there yesterday evening to get some shot before supper. There is a golf course behind my house with some trails and a reservoir beyond that. This photo was taken at a little stone and wood shelter on the golf course. Other photos on my fotothing are along the trails and reservoir.

So, again, my name is Dennis and I am working toward my BS in CIS. I've always enjoyed taking photographs (and now have two young kids who are some of my main photo subjects!) and am always looking for ways to improve my photos from just the typical snapshot. I look forward to our class and all the interesting photos that will be posted.

Oh, and my Fotothing account is

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis...Welcome back... email me with some ideas for your term project....
