Along with taking interesting pictures, I'm starting to notice something about cemeteries...

I'm finding that there are certain consistencies in the type of headstone styles for certain areas. For example, there are things I found in East Haven that I didn't see today in Madison. There were things in Branford & Guilford Centers that I only saw there (like the large elevated flat stones) and now things in Madison I haven't seen elsewhere. In Madison, there seems to be a trend with stones topped with a lamb for children. There also seems to be more monuments to people and/or war battles. Again, I've gone for the sepia tones with the exception of one monument. The color of the sky against it was just too perfect to only show it in sepia! More images are at!

Perhaps it is the religious makeup of a community... Catholic Cemeteries would tend to have more statuary of angels... Protestant cemeteries more flat grave markers.
ReplyDeleteKeep moving in closer to eliminate any reference to sky or background to see how that looks....
Keep going!
I am enjoying your series of cemeteries pictures. Well done!!!
ReplyDeleteThere are several shots on my fotothing that have me getting in close...the image with the sky in the background was included that way because I thought the blue of the sky was striking against the image of the monument. (Also, it was probably 30 feet high so I certainly wasn't getting in close on that!!)
ReplyDeleteNice job and I am enjoying the series.