Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Out in nature....

Some shots of nature out at Nod Brook Wildlife area in Simsbury, CT. I muted the colors on the small stream coming under the arch. Some late fall berries on a bare branch as well. It was a quiet morning out there.


  1. The winter berries are elegant... I like how the depth of field is very narrow and how the background is thrown out of focus...

    The bottom shot would work better on an overcast day or after the sun is out of the way for the day....

  2. Thanks Jerry. I've had a tough time (kids) getting out either very early or at sunset. With it getting darker earlier now I should be able to get some good early evening shots.

  3. By the way, Jerry, the winter berries were shot with my 55-200 mm lens. I was taking some long shots across the river of a pumpkin patch (those shots really did not come out the way that I wanted) and had my 55-200 on the camera at the time that I saw the berries. My 12-54 mm was in the bag in my truck, so I just tried to capture these with the longer lens. I had to switch from
    AF to MF to get keep the focus from hunting around.

  4. Oh, and if you factor in the 2x crop factor of the Oly, it makes the lens an actual 110-400 mm!
